Food & Beverage Vendor Application
Fast Facts
OUTDOOR EVENT – Rain or Shine
600 South Broad Street, Kennett Square, PA 19348
Payment: $300 Single booth 10′ x 10′ or $550 Double booth 20′ x 10′
Payment: PayPal (link below) or
Mail check to Kennett Area Community Service, PO Box 1025, Kennett Square, PA 19348
BYO Straight-legged tent or rentals are available from All Event Party
Application: Please complete ALL fields.
The Kennett Arts Festival Committee must review and approve application before acceptance.
If you are accepted, you will receive an email confirmation within two weeks of receipt of application.
Closer to the event, you will receive specific information regarding designated parking, set-up times, booth location, special events, etc. Free parking is available during Festival for all exhibitors.
If you are not accepted, you will be notified within two weeks of receipt of application and your application fee will be returned.